We are aware about the global water crisis, so we are working to learn more about the water consumption by each component in order to make decisions to design in a more sustainable way. That is why organic linen is our “must” material as it needs low irrigation. We have selected our botanically grown color organic cotton as it is grown from no irrigation cultivation that means it is rainfed with no dying water process so it doesn’t have any blue-water footprint. We are committed to keep in our main collection a high percentage style made in bast fibers and undyed fabrics.


Reducing our CO2 footprint is one of the main concerns; the most important priority is the reduction of emissions and energy use. We source and produce within Europe in order to decrease CO2 emissions produced by transportation. You can check in our traceability map that all manufacturing processes are around Europe. We need to constantly evaluate our methods of transportation, organization, production, conditioning and consumption. Our packaging is made of recycled and recyclable post consumer paper and cardboard. Using organic fabrics and natural materials reduce the CO2 emission because not fertilizer used. We use a Spanish hosting company which generates electric power with self-consumption solar panels and data centers are powered using 90% renewable energy. Our office is powered with renewable energy too. We keep pushing our suppliers to provide us with the carbon footprint, as said we don’t trust in averages, so we can measure, in an objective way, our impact on the environment. This will help us take more accurate steps to reduce our environmental impact. Lastly, we use a delivery system that allows our customer land transportation for European deliveries and the most transparent and eco friendly fleet in Europe.


Even when renewable materials are sourced there is still a need to reduce the use of virgin materials by recycling end of life materials. Impacts from the use of land, energy, water and chemicals can be reduced by using recycled materials. We are working to develop a collection using recycled cotton, from now on we have started to use this low impact material in our backpack Ro. We are looking for a zipper company which is committed to trace metals. We are working to increase our  range from plant-based byproduct and low water consumption as hemp. We would like to be able to offer you in the future a wide range of innovative sustainable  fabrics but fabric minimums are a major challenge to all small businesses. Most of the time minimum orders are below 500 meters that is unattainable for now on for us.


We want to extend your clothes and shoes life; this involves giving a second life to products that are still valuable. If you don’t want them anymore, we will like to hand-me-down, share or resell them. It is preferable to re-use in your area in order to promote the development of local industry in developing countries. If the apparel needs to be repaired, it is always better to fix it than to throw it away. This protects the environment and if they can no longer be used or if you get rid of it use the adapted recycling facilities existing in your environment. We can help you find the nearest recycling service or repair shop to your home. Sorry, we don’t offer a repair service; we think it is more sustainable for the environment and for the local economy. We applaud services such as APPCirqle in Sweden, an app that guides individuals to stores that collect used clothes. Search the hashtag #visiblemending, you can get such nice ideas.


The days of fast fashion producing high levels of pollution are numbered. Sustainable fashion is no longer a trend and should no longer be a niche; it’s a normal behavior. There is a growing awareness across the globe. This attitude shift is palpable; consumers are waking up and starting to understand the necessity to value sustainability. We think it must not be replicated by the mainstream industry as the first step is to reduce consumption, making long lasting product and this cannot be sustained by fast fashion; it moves where labor and environmental laws are weak and we must not support the increase of greenwashing as making 99% production in polyester, viscose, using cotton from region that face water scarcity,.. ,it is not be committed with sustainability.  We hope that an ecotax will be included for those who continue destroying the environment.

We all have a role influencing the market by demanding high quality, ethical and sustainable standards. You could think that your own behavior can make a meaningful difference because we are facing a big challenge, especially around climate change, but many individual choices make a movement, a small change can make a huge difference.